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[스크랩] ★~크리스마스 이미지~~

by 안광승 2007. 12. 18.



























































































































Enya 모음곡  

01. Less than a pearl
02. Amarantine
03. It's in the rain
04. If I could be where you are

05. The river sings
06. Long long journey
07. Sumiregusa
08. Someone said goodbye
09. A moment lost
10. Drifting
11. Amid the falling snow

12. Water shows the hidden heart
13. Adeste, Fideles
14. The Magic Of The Night
15. We Wish You A Merry Christmas
16. Christmas Secret


출처 :하루

출처 : ★~크리스마스 이미지~~
글쓴이 : 널love해 원글보기
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